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Information Overload!

In this section of our web site, you'll find all sorts of miscellany and trivia about Amiga Active. From links to advertisers' web sites and other places of interest to information about the people who are responsible for producing the magazine each month.

To be informed when new additions find themselves into this section of the web site, we recommend you join our announcement mailing list.

Advertisers [coming soon]
Visit their web sites! Negotiate the vending of some computer peripherals!

Where We Hang Out [coming soon]
Places of interest and substance. Accept no places of superfluous glitz.

What We're All About [coming soon]
We have a dream... to produce the best Amiga magazine ever.

Taking The Blame [coming soon]
We are free men. And women. Yet we choose to produce an Amiga magazine?

Why? How? Where? [coming soon]
Because it's the only way. Like this, see? By the water-cooler.